Claus Heinrich

Danish Video Sharing site released

The first beta version of my Video Sharing site is ready and released.
With one eye on the TV watching this years 24 hours race Le Mans, I managed to get my video site up and running with the other ^^

I have been through quite a lot with this site and it has been a big experience with some of the many new features I have had to learn to make it work as wanted.
Development is far from over and I will keep focused on it the next couple of weeks (or what it takes).

This site also marks a stop in development of new personal projects as I got some pending clients and have more than enough work in pure maintenance of my sites. The directories alone require a lot of time with reviewing links.

Also working hard on my site with cheats

Enough from me, I will watch the last 2 hours of Le Mans :p


  1. Heh jaja Thor 🙂
    Men hvis du kigger oppe i toppen vil du se en dansk/engelsk version af bloggen.
    Har oprettet den danske for ikke så lang tid siden og der skriver jeg noget hyppigere.

    Men tak for sparket 🙂

  2. Hej Morten, ok du har også problemer med min skrift? Fik en melding den anden dag også om det. (har dog ingen problemer selv).
    Men det er nok til at jeg gør noget ved det.. Skal sku være læsbart 🙂

  3. Det ret sjovt at falde over skaberen af en side, man selv tit har brugt 😀 har været god i frustrerende situatoner.
    Lidt ærgerlig over at der ikke er noget link til det videosharing site

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